Chinese Herbal Medicine


Improve and maintain health and wellbeing through foods, plants & minerals.


about meorder herbal medicine

5000 Years of Health

Chinese herbal medicine is an ancient holistic health practice of using herbal mixtures to promote healing and well being and to address specific health issues.

Chinese Herbal Medicine have been used of at least 5000 years and with a modern approach we now prepare blends for you through the use of prepared and manufactured dried herbal granules, capsules, pills and tonics.

Chinese Herbal Medicine has shown success in treating a variety of disorders, particularly gastrointestinal, gynaecological and liver issues. It may also help with allergies, autoimmune disorders, diarrhoea and constipation, digestion problems, insomnia, immune system regulation, irritable bowel syndrome, menopause, menstrual or endometriosis pain, general pain, stress and depression.

Feel better

A strong, healthy and (health) empowered community is my first priority. I believe that I can make a difference to how you feel: less tired, less stressed and more inspired to take your health into your own hands and make better decisions for yourself. I’m committed to and take my mission very seriously!

Reduce pain

We offer expert, experienced and personal individual care. The powerful combination of Eastern and Western medicine allows me to develop treatment plans for a large variety of conditions ranging from the common cold to cardiovascular disorders and everything in between.

Optimise health

Optimise your health naturally and address the root causes of imbalance. My personalised herbal formulations are designed to support your body’s natural healing processes, enhancing vitality and overall well-being. Experience the gentle yet powerful effects of these ancient remedies as they restore harmony and balance.


Office 4 & 5 Tailrace House,

1 Waterfront Drive,

Riverside TAS 7250


M: 0493 260 261

E: [email protected]

AHPRA Registered CMR0001710922